
Customer Service

Contact Us

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Office Address

Taipei Headquarters
Add: 2F., No. 18, Wenhu St., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan
Tel: (02)2658-1910
Fax: (02)2658-1920

Taichung Branch Office
Add: Rm. 3, 4F., No. 20, Dalong Rd., West Dist., Taichung City 403016
Tel: (04)2325-0958
Fax: (04)2325-1077

Kaohsiung Branch Office
Add: Rm. 1, 5F., No. 491, Mingcheng 2nd Rd., Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City 813348
Tel: (07)557-6599
Fax: (07)557-6166

Repair Hotline

Free repair hotline: 0800-095-895

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